Beautiful Sparrow,
I am over the moon that you are here! I believe everything in our lives is a divine appointment and our being here, together, is no different.
I’m a crazy-in-love-with-Jesus-girl, mama to five adult children, Nina to one precious Love Bean (grand), and the wife to my husband, Scott for thirty years.
My “Ah-ha!” verse is from Psalm 84:5-7
Happy are those whose strength is in you,whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Tears, they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength
till each appears before God in Zion.
God gives us strength in numbers when we lock arms with other women on the journey. Together, let’s encourage each other in the faith, keep our eyes on Jesus, and focus on the place we’re going.
Some other stuff about me:
I am a 12-year Breast Cancer Survivor living in the hopes and promises found in Jesus Christ.
I am hopelessly in love with my husband, Scott.
We are blessed with five children, one beautiful daughter-in-law and the most precious Love Bean (grand) ever!
I’m a comfort-foodie and my favorite place is the beach.
I am dreaming big things for myself and the women God loves.
Opportunities I have not deserved and have not earned:
Author, and weekly teacher of Give Me This Day, Fulfilling God’s Purpose, Right Where You Are to 130+ women
Former devotional writer, encourager and team leadership member of Women Leading Women, an online community of over 5,700 women.
Book contributor and online Bible study facilitator for over 500 women for Proverbs 31 Author and Speaker, Tracie Miles’ Your Life Still Counts.
Ministry Assistant to Proverbs 31 Author and Speaker, Lynn Cowell.
Devotional writer for The Seed Company.
Professional Life Purpose Coaching certification by Dr. Katie Brazelton, former Research Assistant for Pastor Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life.
(in)courage leader for community groups, Finding Life-Purpose and Mentoring Moms.
Keeping it real
- Life always looks better on a blog and the only perfect thing you’ll find in my home is God’s Word.
- Everything I say is what God wants me to hear.
Strength to strength,